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I have an MA in Integral Counseling Psychology from The California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco -- the first program in the world to blend Eastern spiritual traditions with Western psychology. With twelve years of clinical experience, I am dedicated and skilled in helping people deepen in their own inherent presence and wisdom. Both instantaneously and over time, this holistic psychotherapy approach brings lasting healing and relief from the myriad presenting issues which bring people such as yourself and so many to seek therapy, such as anxiety, depression, divorce recovery, and pre-marital and marital counseling.


I am most interested in discovering the truth, through integrating mindfulness and heart-centered practices with a relational and psychodynamic approach , borrowed both from eastern spiritual and western psychology traditions. I find it deeply gratifying to leverage the healing power in integrating these healing traditions. Through my own lived experience, I am ever deepening in my trust that in telling the truth, however painful it may be in the moment, we open ourselves up to that which is more fundamental than our suffering. Call it what you will, God, The Universe, The Divine or True Nature, I believe it is only THAT in all of us which is truly able to unconditionally accept, touch, and thus transform such deep suffering and stuckness in us. It is my experience that in the very seeing and being with our fear of ‘what is’, this fear and stuckness receive our blessing to shift out of suffering and into fullness of being. 

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